Physio-Pilates | AdO arena

Physio-Pilates (low)

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The Fysio Pilates class is suitable for those with pain and musculoskeletal problems. Focus on light exercises to get hold of deep stabilization muscles and exercises for relaxation. A gentle workout where the stomach and back (core) take center stage, but the whole body is always active.

In this class, you systematically and gently work your way through all joints and muscles. The movements stimulate the body's internal organs, and various corresponding breathing patterns are integrated. There is fluidity in the movements, the positions are not held for a long time and unnecessary tension is avoided. Instead, the different positions are smoothly and harmoniously connected with the help of the breath.


The course includes exercises in a lying and standing position.

The exercises are performed without aids other than a chair and mat, so that they can also be done individually at home and at work when you need a break from one-sided and stressful work positions

You are welcome to swim/bath before or after the lesson.



Marita Lund-Fridell

Marita er utdannet fysioterapeut og har tre barn. Hun har siden 2015 jobbet i AdO arena hvor hun i dag er leder for Kurs og Utdanning samt resepsjonen, i tillegg til jobben som barnefysioterapeut.
Hun har alltid likt godt å være i det våte elementet og ble i 2003 utdannet som babysvømmingsinstruktør.
Fra 2003-2006 var hun fysioterapeut for Bergensvømmerne og landslaget i svømming.

Course dates

Nyhetsbrev - Meld din interesse for kurs og aktiviteter i AdO arena og motta informasjon om kurs og påmelding rett i innboksen.


For questions or other inquiries, send an email to

Course plan:

Start: Week 17, Wednesday 23.04.2025
Duration: 8 course times
(the course does not run on holidays or school holidays)

Price: NOK 1600,- / NOK 1100,- (member)

Do you have a six-month pass or an annual pass in AdO?

You can order a discounted membership ticket.
NB! The annual/half-year pass must be valid throughout the course period

  • WEDNESDAY 10.00-11.00

    for 8 weeks starting 23. April

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