Aquagym (Pregnant) | AdO arena

Aquagym - During pregnancy

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For pregnant women looking to keep active during their pregnancy. These classes will also suit those with back or pelvic pain with during or after pregnancy. The instructor will adjust the exercises to suit your situation and level.

Aerobics in water gives your body a unique workout and you'll have fun exercising with other pregnant women! Classes take place in our training pool which is heated to 33-34 degrees celsius and where we can raise and lower the floor to provide a suitable depth.

Your natural buoyancy means movement in water is less tiring for your joints. At the same time, water resistance guarantees you a good workout. The faster you move your arms and legs, the harder your workout will be. Both mum and baby will enjoy themselves..!

These classes focus especially on the back, pelvis and upper body. There are notable health reasons to workout in water when you are pregnant:

  • Increased circulation to your arms and legs
  • Reduced lower back pain.
  • Mums who are active during pregnancy tend to have easier pregnancies with fewer complications, easier birth and lower rates of depression when compared to those who are not active.
  • Exercising in water helps improve stability, stamina, flexibility and reduces tension.

Classes last for 45 minutes. Each class starts with a warm up, then strength and cardio exercises and then stretching and winding down at the end. Our focus is a fun and enjoyable workout.



Amalie Skjerdal Langøen

Amalie er utdannet med mastergrad i Idrettsvitenskap og en bachelor i «Trening, fysisk aktivitet og helse» fra Norges Idrettshøgskole og Høgskolen på Vestlandet.
Hun har lengre erfaring som gruppeinstruktør på ulike treningssentre og driver med CrossFit.
Amalie sørger for god musikk på sine timer og kan tilpasse treningen til hver enkel kunde.

Book now


For questions or other inquiries, send an email to

Membership or punchcard?

Do you have an annual/half-year card or aquagym clip card (or should buy when you come)? You can order a free membership ticket.
Aquagym clip card costs 1600,- for 12 times and 900,- for 6. Both can be purchased at reception, same with annual and half-year cards.

Course plan

There are no hours on public holidays or during school holidays.

Cancellation of class

The cancellation of an session must be sent, before 3 pm on the same day, to Cancellations after this are not refunded.

  • TUESDAY 18.15-19.00

    29. Oct.

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