Training for pregnant women | AdO arena

Training for pregnant women


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The general advice from the Norwegian Directorate of Health is that healthy pregnant women should carry out cardio and strength training of moderate intensity for a total of at least 150 min/week.

Exercise during pregnancy has been shown to have several positive health benefits, including: 

  • Experience of easier pregnancy and less complicated birth, as well as faster recovery after birth
  • Less adverse weight gain
  • Lower incidence of lower back pain
  • Fewer cases of gestational diabetes, caesarean sections and high blood pressure 
  • Lower incidence of anxiety and depression

Throughout the course, the focus is on:

  • Exercise of the pelvic floor.
    This is important both during pregnancy and after birth, including to prevent urine leakage.
  • Strength training specifically for the stomach and back. 
  • Cardio/strength training with exercises that include large muscle groups.  

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