Group training | AdO arena

Group training

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A good workout led by an experienced trainer.

These training sessions will suit anyone who feels comfortable swimming freestyle. They included a mix of different exercises which will make you a better swimmer.

A swimming instructor leads each session from the side of the pool. They give advice and help you correct your technique. Expect to swim about 1500-2000 meters freestyle (front crawl). Breaststroke and backstroke will also be covered. This a really great group to workout with. The instructor will help you to improve and will match exercises and challenges to your ability so that you get as much as possible out of each sessions.



Eline Vik


Bendik Søfteland

Jobber som svømmeinstruktør, og er tidligere konkurransesvømmer i norgestoppen. Jeg har jobbet med svømmeopplæring i alle aldre og ulike nivåer, og trives veldig godt med det. For øvrig er jeg medisinstudent og har en lidenskap for helse og fysisk aktivitet.

Course dates

Nyhetsbrev - Meld din interesse for kurs og aktiviteter i AdO arena og motta informasjon om kurs og påmelding rett i innboksen.


For questions or other inquiries, send an email to

Do you have an annual or half-year pass?

You can order a membership ticket at a discounted price.
NB! The annual/half-year pass must be valid throughout the course period

Course schedule

Start: week 33, 2024
Duration: 8 times/weeks
(the course does not run on public holidays or during school holidays)
Price: NOK 1850 / NOK 1100 (member) / NOK 2170*

*Extended ticket to NOK. NOK 2,170 includes the 8-time course with an instructor + 4 extra clips without an instructor that can be used for personal training (within our opening hours).

Number of course places:
Thursday: 18

The course does not take place on public holidays or during school holidays


Erik and Eline

  • THURSDAY 20.00-21.00

    for 8 weeks starting 15. Aug.

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