Practical information about baby and toddler swimming | AdO arena

Practical information

Welcome to baby and toddler swimming in AdO arena

Familie med baby

Ado arena is the main facility for swimming and diving in Norway. In the AdO arena there are 5 pools and 2 slides. Baby and toddler swimming is a fun activity for the whole family. The child is with one or both parents in the water. All activity is on the child's terms. Teaching our children to be happy and safe in the water is one of the most important things we do. We want to help create memories for life. Children are naturally curious and love to play in water. It is important that we as adults create a safe environment so that the children can unfold. Water-addicted children learn to swim more easily when they are ready for it. Being in water gives the child a unique freedom of movement and it strengthens the child socially and motorically.

If the child has any special health challenges (eg epilepsy, heart defects) it is important to discuss with the instructor.

Here is some practical information that must be read before the course:

Preparations at home

Before starting baby swimming, one should prepare the children for what is to happen. Bathe with the child in the bathtub if you have it. When bathing the child at home, one should gradually lower the temperature to 33-34 degrees which is equivalent to the course pool.

In the locker room

Arrive well in advance of the class. It is important that the child is not hungry or tired when bathing. We recommend the child to eat one hour before bathing. If you arrive late, change the child and yourself, and go to the instructor and say that you have arrived.

We have our own parking for prams in the hallway outside the cloakroom. Undress the child and wrap a towel around the child. It is important that the adult washes well, the child deserves a clean bath water. Children before the age of 6 months do not need to shower before bathing. Never lubricate the baby with moisturizer before bathing as it will become slippery. Feel free to lubricate the baby after bathing.

After bathing, it is only necessary to rinse the chlorine water on the child. We have our own sinks for the little ones by the mirrors in the wardrobe (by the sauna).

In the pool

The swimming course takes place in the training pool. It's the first pool you reach when you step out of the locker room.

You will receive nappies at the reception when you arrive. Older children can wear regular swimwear. Anti-slip socks or regular socks (regular socks will work in the same way as anti-slip socks when they get wet) we recommend wearing on the child from 8-12 months of age and up. The tiles are smooth. You can buy anti-slip socks at the reception.

You have the opportunity to swim after the course on the other side of the pool. We do not recommend you to bathe before the course as we see that the children can become tired and unconcentrated.

When you come for the first time, you will receive a scrap card for the number of times the course runs. If you do not have the opportunity to participate once in the course, you can swim on your own outside the courses. You come in with two adults and one child per clip. Unfortunately, it is not possible to change course day.

There are chairs and a sofa inside by the training pool that you can use to breastfeed or feed the baby. One does not breastfeed in the pool. Snus, chewing gum or food in the pool is not allowed.

It is allowed to take a picture of your child, but not of others.

When the child is ill

The child should not swim if he has diarrhea, infectious childhood diseases, cataracts or the like. In case of ear infection, follow the doctor's advice. The doctor's advice is always governing in case of illness.

In the event of short absences, you do not need to report. In the event of longer absences, it is good if we are notified. Longer absences from courses are reported to:

We look forward to meeting you!
Greetings to all baby swimming instructors!

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