Intro course Sea | AdO arena

Intro course Sea


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Here you will be introduced to the kayak and the equipment. In the course, you will go through simple and practical exercises using a kayak, oar, cover and vest.

The duration of the course is 3-4 hours and will be conducted as a one-off course.

Course objectives:

  • Lift, carry, launch and enter the kayak
  • Paddle forward with the right course
  • Stop
  • Turn the kayak both ways
  • Back paddling
  • Walk around and get out of the kayak in the water satisfactorily
  • Entering land
  • Sitting position and good paddling technique
  • Introduction to how to increase safety when paddling
  • Knowledge of local paddling conditions

(taken from the Norwegian Paddler Association)

Intro course Sea is step 1 in NPA's wet card, and has as its main goal to motivate for further training in kayaking.

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Nyhetsbrev - Meld din interesse for kurs og aktiviteter i AdO arena og motta informasjon om kurs og påmelding rett i innboksen.


We currently have no dates scheduled for this activity.


For questions, or other inquiries such as a separate course for groups/companies, send an email to

Did you know ...

... that we rent out kayaks and SUP (May to October)?
When booking, or other inquiries regarding rental, send an email to

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