Basic course Sea | AdO arena

Basic course Sea


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Here you will be introduced to the kayak and the equipment. In the course, you will go through simple and practical exercises using a kayak, oar, cover and vest. In addition to getting acquinted with simple safety routines and exercises, as well as how to effectively maneuver the kayak.

The duration of the course is 16 hours and will run as a 2-day course.

Course objectives:

  • Lift, carry, launch and enter the kayak
  • Effective forward paddling
  • Back paddling and stop
  • Lateral transfer of the kayak
  • Low support grab
  • Steering grab (rear)
  • Swing (swing grab and steering grab)
  • Entering land
  • Securing a kayak and disembarking
  • Rescue techniques
  • Injury prevention
  • Planning an easy trip to complete
  • General safety and basic seamanship
  • General information about outdoor life and the Right of Public Access
  • Traceless traffic

(taken from the Norwegian Paddler Association)

Basic course Sea is step 2 in NPA's wet card.

Gundersen Ivar S. FJIFYBI.jpg

Ivar Sunnås Gundersen, originally from Kristiansand, and formerly an active competitive paddler.
Certified kayak instructor and employee at Amalie Skram VGS (since 2014).
Paddles the year around with small and medium-sized groups, mostly together with students. When he is not paddling, he is most comfortable on his road bike.

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Not available

We currently have no dates scheduled for this activity.


For questions, or other inquiries such as a separate course for groups/companies, send an email to

Did you know ...

... we rent out kayaks and SUP (May to October)?
When booking, or other inquiries regarding rental, send an email to

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