Baby 1 | AdO arena

Baby 1

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We offer courses for babies from 3 to 8 months who have not been to baby swimming before
(the course is not recommended for those younger than 3 months).

You're baby is ready to swim! Just think, they were under water for 9 months in the womb so they'll be in their element in the pool!

In the case of premature birth, the date is corrected to the child's original due date.
So 3 months from the due date.

Babysvømming 23

This courses focuses on getting the babies used to being in water and to make it a positive experience for them. We show the parents how they can safely and securely hold their child in the water. Babies learn to have their faces underwater but we are careful not to rush them, but to let them learn at their own speed. Learning to be safe in water is one of the most important things a child can learn.


Lisa Skogeng

Lisa Skogeng

Lisa er tidligere konkurransesvømmer og jobber i dag fulltid som brannkonstabel i Bergen Brannvesen. Hun jobber også som badevakt, PT og baby- og småbarnsinstruktør i AdO arena. Hun er en energisk dame, som er over gjennomsnittet glad i trening.


Natalie Hestdal

Nicky-Nneka Anowi

Runa Kvinnesland

Course dates

Nyhetsbrev - Meld din interesse for kurs og aktiviteter i AdO arena og motta informasjon om kurs og påmelding rett i innboksen.


For questions or other inquiries, send an email to

Lesson schedule

Start: week 42, 2024
Duration: 8 times/weeks
Price: NOK 1,850

The course does not run on public holidays, school holidays and planning days (applies to Friday 1/11)


Monday: Natalie and Lisa
Tuesday: Astri and Karina
Wednesday day: Kjersti and Sandra
Wednesday at 15:30: Lotte and Stacey
Thursday: Nicky-Nneka and Natalie< br/>Friday: Lisa and Runa

  • THURSDAY 15.30-16.00

    for 8 weeks starting 17. Oct.

  • FRIDAY 12.30-13.00

    for 8 weeks starting 18. Oct.

  • FRIDAY 13.00-13.30

    for 8 weeks starting 18. Oct.

  • FRIDAY 13.30-14.00

    for 8 weeks starting 18. Oct.

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