The babies are photographed one by one, and each photo session will take a few minutes (approximately 3-5 minutes per child).
You can expect a bit of waiting, but it is important to arrive at your booked time. Children can get tired quickly, so we recommend not arriving too early.
During the actual photo shoot, we will have a separate instructor who will look after the child at all times when they are taken underwater and photographed.
The photo shoot takes place on the child's terms. This means that if the child is not ready to be taken underwater, he/she will not be forced to do so. We will then rather focus on photos above water.
We cannot guarantee the facial expression of the child when it is photographed. The photographer takes a number of photos and will select the best photos.
Entrance (for one child and two adults) is included in the price. We do not recommend swimming before the photo shoot as the child may become tired and unfocused. It is fine if you wait on the edge until you are going to have your photo taken.
The child should have dived before and be comfortable underwater.
The photography is for toddlers from 1.5 to 5 years old.
The photography takes place inside the learningpool in AdO arena.
Based on the contact information we receive from you when you register, the photographer will (after the photo shoot) send you 2-3 photos for your own use. It will take 2-3 weeks before the photos are sent.
Astri er fagansvarlig I Svøm Bergen og har jobbet som svømmeinstruktør siden 2010 og med babysvømming siden 2012. Hun har også vært instruktør i vannaerobic siden 2013. I bakhånd har hun begynnerinstruktørkurs, videregående instruktør- kurs, instruktørkurs for funksjonshemmede, baby- og småbarn, vannaerobic, “vill i vann” og lederkurs for ungdom.
Stilling: Fotograf
Gunhild har vært interessert i film og foto fra hun var veldig ung. Hun har bachelor i film fra Kingston University i England og har drevet som fotograf ved siden av andre jobber gjennom sitt enkeltmannsforetak siden 2018.
Hun jobber nå som badevert i AdO arena og siden høsten 2023 har hun utviklet seg innen undervannsfotografering. Hun ønsker å fange gode minner og spre glede med sine bilder.
For questions or other inquiries, send an email to
Per child NOK 990,-
15. March